
The full program is available below. Short paper talks should last around 7 minutes, and long paper talks around 15 minutes.

Wednesday Paper/activity Presenter(s) Author(s)
9:45 - Welcome and opening remarks Jérémie Decouchant and Chrysa Papagianni
10:00 Long Paper (8213) Tiny Autoscalers for Tiny Workloads: Dynamic CPU Allocation for Serverless Functions Yuxuan Zhao and Alexandru Uta
10:20 Long Paper (5567) Dyconits: Scaling Minecraft-like Services through Dynamically Managed Inconsistency Jesse Donkervliet, Jim Cuijpers and Alexandru Iosup
10:40 Long Paper (3722) Towards A Robust Meta-Reinforcement Learning-Based Scheduling Framework for Time Critical Tasks in Cloud Environments Hongyun Liu, Peng Chen and Zhiming Zhao
11:00 Break
11:10 Long Paper (7368) A Bayesian Game-Enhanced Auction Model for Federated Cloud Services Using Blockchain Zeshun Shi, Huan Zhou, Cees de Laat and Zhiming Zhao
11:30 Long Paper (7572) Live Video Analytics as a Service Guilherme Henrique Apostolo, Pablo Bauszat, Vinod Nigade, Henri E. Bal and Lin Wang
11:50 Break
12:00 Long Paper (1351) tUPL: Towards a novel way of (parallel) programming Kristian Rietveld and Harry Wijshoff
12:20 Long Paper (2736) Lightning: Scaling the GPU Programming Model Beyond a Single GPU Stijn Heldens, Pieter Hijma, Ben van Werkhoven, Jason Maassen and Rob V. van Nieuwpoort
12:40 Lunch
13:30 Long Paper (8172) SMITE: A Statistical Model of Thread Imbalance for Stochastic SIMT Workloads Stephen Nicholas Swatman, Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, Attila Krasznahorkay and Andy Pimentel
13:50 Short Paper (3330) Exhaustive Performance Exploration of Instruction Ordering on OOO-Processors Rens Dofferhoff and Kristian Rietveld
14:00 Short Paper (7855) Hardware Memory Protection for Multicore Architectures Marco Brohet, Ionut Mihalcea, Roberto Avanzi, Andreas Sandberg and Francesco Regazzoni
14:10 Short Paper (3022) Adaptive Memory (Re-)Allocation for Modern Workloads Weikang Weng, Alexandru Uta and Jan Rellermeyer
14:20 Short Paper (6727) Understanding NVMe Zoned Namespace (ZNS) Devices Nick Tehrany and Animesh Trivedi
14:30 Break
15:00 Long Paper (3879) DangZero: Efficient Use-After-Free Detection via Direct Page Table Access Floris Gorter, Koen Koning, Herbert Bos and Cristiano Giuffrida
15:20 Short Paper (1250) Hyperion: A Unified, Zero-CPU Data-Processing Unit (DPU) Marco Spaziani Brunella, Marco Bonola and Animesh Trivedi
15:30 Short Paper (5641) The SPEC-RG Reference Architecture for The Edge Continuum Matthijs Jansen, Auday Al-Dulaimy, Alessandro Vittorio Papadopoulos, Animesh Trivedi and Alexandru Iosup
15:40 Short Paper (5963) Analytical performance modeling for complex scientific applications Jelle van Dijk, Gábor Závodszky and Ana Lucia Varbanescu
15:50 Short Paper (2029) AMOOSE: A Domain Specific Language for the Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment Miguel Blom, Kristian Rietveld, Harry Wijshoff and Simon Portegies Zwart
16:00 Break
16:10 Keynote + Career award 25 Years of Parallel and Distributed Computing Research in ASCI Henri Bal
17:10 Drinks
18:00 Dinner
20:00 Social event Brewery visit
Thursday Paper/activity Presenter(s) Author(s)
09:00 Short Paper (5088) User-driven path control through Intent-Based Networking for Inter-domain Networks Anne-Ruth Meijer, Leonardo Boldrini, Ralph Koning and Paola Grosso
09:10 Short Paper (1740) User association in mmWave networks with beamforming and multi-connectivity Lotte Weedage, Suzan Bayhan and Clara Stegehuis
09:20 Long Paper (1590) Tracking container network connections in a Digital Data Marketplace with P4 Sara Shakeri, Lourens Veen and Paola Grosso
9:40 Break
09:50 Short Paper (3934) Implications of using PCEPS in PCE-based multi-domain networks Leonardo Boldrini, Matteo Bachiddu and Paola Grosso
10:00 Long Paper (7331) Evaluating the Performance of Virtual Network Function Chaining within Healthcare Use Cases Jamila Alsayed Kassem, Adam Belloum, Tim Müller and Paola Grosso
10:20 Long Paper (1226) SLAs Decomposition for Network Slicing: A Deep Neural Network Approach Cyril Shih-Huan Hsu, Danny De Vleeschauwer and Chrysa Papagianni
10:40 Break
11:00 Short Paper (6393) A Robust and accurate performance anomaly detection and prediction framework Ruyue Xin, Hongyun Liu, Peng Chen and Zhiming Zhao
11:10 Short Paper (0516) Exploiting time series disorder in attempt to improve generalizability of anomaly detectors in streaming data Natalia Karpova
11:20 Long Paper (9357) Defending OC-SVM based IDS from poisoning attacks Lu Zhang, Reginald Cushing and Paola Grosso
11:40 Break
11:50 Long Paper (2289) MASA: Responsive Multi-DNN Inference on the Edge Bart Cox, Jeroen Galjaard, Amirmasoud Ghiassi, Robert Birke and Lydia Y. Chen
12:10 Long Paper (8592) Fed-TGAN: Federated Learning Framework for Synthesizing Tabular Data Zilong Zhao, Robert Birke and Lydia Chen
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Keynote BRIDGES – An Advanced Global Infrastructure for Network Experimentation. Jerry Sobiesky
14:30 Break
15:00 Industry Panel
17:00 Drinks
18:00 Dinner
Friday Paper/activity Presenter(s) Author(s)
09:00 Short Paper (3324) MUSE: A Trustworthy Vertical Federated Feature Selection Framework Xinyuan Ji
09:10 Long Paper (6769) Bias in Automated Speaker Recognition Wiebke Toussaint Hutiri and Aaron Ding
09:30 Long Paper (3493) Are Concept Drift Detectors Ready for Production? A Comparative Study Lorena Poenaru-Olaru, Luis Cruz, Arie van Deursen and Jan Rellermeyer
09:50 Short Paper (7088) Efficient Sampling of User Interactions in Information Retrieval Pooya Khandel, Andrew Yates and Ana Lucia Varbanescu
10:00 Long Paper (2881) FreezOff: A Middleware for Heterogeneous Federated Learning Systems Bart Cox, Lydia Chen and Jérémie Decouchant
10:20 Long Paper (0815) AGIC: Approximate Gradient Inversion Attack on Federated Learning Jin Xu, Chi Hong, Jiyue Huang, Lydia Chen and Jérémie Decouchant
10:40 Break
11:00 Keynote The Responsible Internet - a new security pillar for the Internet Ralf Holz
12:00 Closing and awards Jérémie Decouchant and Chrysa Papagianni
12:30 Lunch